Large Format Print
Looking for large format or a high-volume A0 Plotter that no-one else seems to hire? Well stop looking! Abacus Rent IT are one of the very few (if not the only) providers Australia wide.
* 20% guarantee subject to availability on comparable product. Offer does not extend to Rent to Keep plans. Competitors quote must be in writing.
Didn't see what you needed then call us on 1300 55 24 24. Abacus Rent It are the leaders at finding what you want when you want it.
BUSINESS USE ONLY! Guaranteed to be the cheapest rental rate*
20 minute response from your enquiry within business hours.
Overall experience in dealing with Abacus Rent It
Didn't load a Sim Card into the Ipad that i ordered
Yes sorry you ordered a Sim card for your Ipad, we made a mistake we acknowledge that. As soon as we discovered our mistake we rushed to the venue with another ipad as quickly as humanly possible but we had to wait for the activation process to complete.
Equipment delivered/collected on the day time required
Overall quality and cleanliness of equipment provided
Configuration and functionality of equipment met specified requirements
Installation of equipment met specified requirements (if applicable)
As above with sim card not being activated